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This March 2020 will be a milestone in Numerology's history. The book with the revolutionary methodology, developed by Yvette Hio Pugliesi, will be released.

When I discovered and became interested in Numerology, it was particularly because of the mystery behind the calculations, as I have always loved working with numbers and spreadsheets. Soon after, I became interested in the meaning behind the calculations, and being an extremely objective person, I decided to test its accuracy.

I worked with traditional methods for a few months until I realized that there should be a more practical and easily understandable approach, even if it meant more complex calculations behind the spreadsheets. The important thing was to facilitate visualization so that the results would jump out at me and, most importantly, favor the client's understanding through their own visualization.

In this way, I developed a method using graphs and colors, decoding all the numerical information derived from the letters of the name and the numbers of the date of birth.

With this simple information and a vast array of calculations, the main characteristics that make up the personality, behavior, vocations, potentials, and skills to be adjusted, as well as vibrational balance and the imminence of probable vibrational frequencies in each phase of the individual's life, from birth until whenever it is necessary, are unveiled. All of this is presented on the computer screen, accompanied by explanations, notes, and suggestions for actions to be taken.

My consultations and research with this method began in 2016 when I started a database with the results obtained, which could reach a level of about 2,000 profiles, with a wide variety of information and classifications. This database facilitated the analysis of result accuracy and, what I consider of utmost importance, the detection of behavioral disorders such as ADHD, Bipolarity, Asperger's Syndrome, and Psychopathy. That's when I also decided to specialize in Clinical Psychology to draw parallels between the two sciences, and every day, I see that the moment will come when Numerology will be a valuable tool for professionals dealing with behavioral disorders. I know it is a long path to be faced; however, when it comes to science, there is no impossible or end.

The book will be released by the end of March 2020, in both physical and e-book formats. In the next few days, I will announce the exact release date, where there will be promotions and a probable book signing event.

You will love this new method, which has been helping many people deal with their fairies and monsters, finally finding the light at the end of the tunnel.

Big hug! Yvette Hio Pugliesi

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